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Kuala Lumpur DIY

http://www.mipang.com时间:2010-12-07  来源:米胖旅游网  点击:4030
I experienced a DIY tourism today. I traveled to six sites in the afternoon by myself. I think it's perfect!

At first I went to the Jame Mosque. Since it's Saturday today, many Muslims were preying there. They took off their shoes, went into a big room, and lay themselves upside down. They were very sincere, regarding what they were doing as the most important thing to make their belief to forgive their possible faults. It's quite quiet around. Then they went outside and use the water pouring out of the tap to wash their faces and hands, and then preyed again. Very devout, I think.

Then I went to the Freedom Square. It's a momentum for the national liberty. There is a flagpole of the highest in the world there. Across the street there is the Sulton's Building. Sultan is the king of the nation, and it will change every 5 years. There are about 7-8 "potential Sultans" (I call them this by my own) to wait in line for the title's turnover. That is to say, a new Sultan will become the King after 5-year's governing of the former one. So it's interesting that normally a Sultan can take the position only once for his whole life. :) If I visited there earlier, say, in the morning, I could have visited the inside of the building, for today is Sultan’s birthday.

Then I went to the Central Market. It's a place that tourists can buy souvenirs. It's crowed there. Many stands and tourists. So I left there soon, and went to the National Museum, and got a brief introduction to the culture and animals to the country.

After that, I went to the Twin Towers. The Twin Towers are the highest masons in the world, and they were fully described in the film "Entrapment". There is a park behind the building, where I can get a full view of the miracle, and many people with their children playing there, for it's public holiday. I often envy people here these days for I feel they know how to relax and enjoy their lives after a full day's diligent work.

At last I went to the Menara Kuala Lumpur, the city’s tallest tower for telecommunication and broadcasting purpose. It’s the fourth highest tower in the world after the tallest one in Toronto, Canada, the 2nd tallest one in Moscow, and the 3rd tallest one in Shanghai. I had a glimpse to the city at a height of 275 meters, and finished today’s site viewing.

I feel good for today’s experience, and I have taken near a full volume of film.



马来西亚之旅印象深刻就是在云顶的两天,她犹如一座小城,在那个伊斯兰教国家,她是唯一可以进行娱乐活动的地方。 拥有数量最多的客房,以及足有两个足球场大的大堂,和最小的房间。三层的购物娱乐电影院,拥有各种品牌,价格比起国内便宜不少。值得一提的是赌场,虽然我没能进去,因为差6个月21岁,不得不佩服门卫的眼睛。还有大型的室外娱乐设施。应该还有不少我不适用的和我不知道的活动吧。总之是个老少皆宜的地方,可以住



Suddenly,my Malaysia

去年去的大马,放在自己的blog一年多 在磨房看到很多人问马来西亚的事情 就转贴过来 希望能给要去马来西亚的人一点帮助 出发前的告别 Hello all~~~     I m leaving for Malaysia now.     Enjoy ur holiday!!!!! -------------     Here is the itineray .     And m